13 April 2011

Lovely Things 4.13.11

Dear Readers, I do apologize. I realize that I am now over a week late in posting the pictures from our anniversary hike up in Mt. Baldy. (Lucas and I changed our plans to go to Disneyland again.) I promise, I'll remember to borrow his camera tomorrow and I'll have pictures up ASAP. To tide you over, here is the Lovely Things post that I promised as well. These nature pictures are all inspired by our hike last week. Enjoy!

[all images from we♥it]


  1. such beautiful pictures!!!
    I want to get lost here...

    I need a country side vacation RIGHT NOW!!! lol..now I wont be able to concentrate on my work :)


  2. i want to see the photos from your trip! :) anyway i tagged you http://dressmeupbuttercup.tumblr.com/post/4604837054/tags-and-awards

  3. I'm going to the mountains in 3 weeks, can't wait.


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