01 January 2012

This Year is Going to Sparkle

I will admit that after taking an extra long hiatus from blogging, I am somewhat at a lost on how to commemorate the passing of 2011 and the coming of this new year. I will say this though: I consider today as the official relaunch date of Pemberley Rose. Yes, having this this blog for the past year has definitely been fun and rewarding, but I'd love to see how far I can take this little hobby of mine. For me, this is the year to change Pemberley Rose from something that I work on sporadically to something I can continue to grow every single day. For that reason, rather than resolutions, I've made some specific blog-related goals:

1) Stick to a weekly posting schedule. I can't promise to have X amount of Style Posts per week, but I can definitely handle sticking to a schedule. In this way, I hope to keep my blog organized and my content more engaging. On a related note, I also hope to...

2) Post at least 5 times a week. However, my ultimate goal is to be able to post something every single day. I'm sure my new weekly schedule will help with that goal.

3) Increase meaningful interaction with my fellow bloggers and readers. This includes reading and commenting more, of course, but also making better use of my Twitter and Facebook accounts. So far, I've only been using these social media accounts to announce new blog posts. I know, I know...not very inspiring. This year though, I'm looking forward to having more conversations within this wonderful blogging community!

4) Take more pictures. This goal does include taking more outfit photos, but I'd also like to take more time to document my daily adventures. No, I don't own a fancy DSLR (maybe someday in the future), but it would definitely be fun to add "photo blog" to Pemberley Rose's description.

5) Monetize. It would be absolutely wonderful to eventually have sponsors for my blog. Collaborating with other blogs/websites/companies seems like a really neat experience. This is a long term goal though. For now, my main focus is to continue to grow my readership and continue to develop my blog.

Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful New Year! I'll post a holiday recap soon.

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