31 March 2011

A Spring Garden

Blue, green, and tan. See, it is possible to create a lovely springtime look without piling on the pastel pink. (Not that there's anything wrong with pink!) I love how this dress has such a charming vintage quality to it - like something that could have been made by hand during the Great Depression. So what do you think of this look? Charming? Too Easter egg-y?

30 March 2011

I'm Social, Part 2

I'm not sure what happened to my last "I'm Social, Part 2" post, but since I'm sure most of you didn't get the chance to see it before it disappeared, here's a redo...

I am now on Twitter as well! Follow me for even more updates!
And of course, I'd be glad to follow back.

28 March 2011

I'm Social

This is just a quick update to let all my readers know that My blog is now on Facebook. Yay! I've been thinking about getting a Twitter account for this blog as well, but I've never used it before. We'll see how it goes...

In the meantime, follow me on Facebook for up to the minute updates on Love. Life. and Style. 

Thanks a bunch!

Pemberley Rose

Promote Your Page Too

Lovely Things 3.28.11

Happy Monday! Today I'd like to introduce my newest feature, Lovely Things: Inspiration for Everyday. Every once in a while, I'll share some of my favorite photos from my extensive collection on we♥it. I hope you all enjoy these!

27 March 2011

Memories Scattered on the Floor

Here's another Polyvore set inspired by the colors of Pen&Ink. This inspiration board features three things that I really love: a ruffled dress, flats, and a pretty gold locket. And I simply adore the Impact Label font. FYI: You can download it for free at dafont.com.

26 March 2011

I'm totally excited about...

[image source: Big Sur Chamber of Commerce]
...the camping trip that Lucas and I will be going on in May. 

For weeks, we've been contemplating where we should go on vacation once this semester is over. We considered San Diego (it's close enough that we could easily go anytime), San Francisco (I've been there more times than I can even remember), and Yosemite (he usually goes with his brothers). Just a couple days ago, we finally decided on Big Sur and Monterey.

I'm super excited because 1) I love hiking but I've never gone camping before - like with an actual tent and sleeping bags, 2) the beaches in Central California look much nicer than the ones close to where we live, and 3) This will be our very first trip together. :)
[image source: Big Sur Chamber of Commerce]
I'm sure even the 6 hour drive won't be that bad because the Pacific Coast Highway is beautiful. And now I'm even more ready for this semester to be over already! Just a month and a half to go...

23 March 2011

Things I Love: Oxfords

Oxford shoes are fabulous, don't you think? (My boyfriend disagrees. He says, "They look like old people shoes!") But of course, I ignore him. :)

Personally, I think oxfords add the perfect menswear-inspired/vintage touch to any outfit. Though I usually associate these shoes with fall outfits (think cuffed wool shorts, opaque tights, and chunky knits), I'd say these shoes would be equally beautiful with spring outfits as well. I'm thinking of lace or floral print dresses and skirts.
Contrasting Leatherette Oxfords

Leatherette Trimmed Oxfords

Jazz Oxfords

Poodle Oxfords

Perforated Oxfords

Satin Lace Oxfords

22 March 2011

The Stylish Blogger Award

Hello there, my super awesome, amazingly wonderful readers!
I'd like to take this time to thank all of you for following me and leaving me a lot of great comments. It means a lot that you all care about not only my Style Posts, but about what I have to say too.

I also want to say a very special thank you to Marina of Fashion.MakeUp.LifeStyle for nominating and giving me this award. How cool is it to be recognized by a fellow blogger? Be sure to check out her blog because she has lots of great outfit posts and beauty tips.

♥ Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award.
♥ Share 7 things about yourself.
♥ Award 7 recently discovered great bloggers.
♥ Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

7 Things About Me
1)  My right pinky finger is permanently crooked because I fractured it during my junior year of high school by catching a sabre incorrectly. (Color Guard was my sport of choice.) This was just days before our winter assembly...and I still performed anyway.
2) Even though my style is very girly, I'm basically a tomboy at heart. I love watching Deadliest Warrior and 1000 Ways to Die on SpikeTV...and the occasional Star Wars marathon. I'm also a fairly proficient skateboarder. Oh yeah, and my favorite video game is COD4.
3) I remember when I was a kid, I used to pretend to be a princess...just like every other little girl. But the difference was, I was the one saving the prince. :)
4) I always use proper capitalization and punctuation in Facebook status updates and comments, as well as in text messages, but never on AIM.
5) My friends have told me that my handwriting looks like The Lord of the Rings font (Elvish writing).
6) Every time Katy Perry's "Firework" comes on the radio, I sing it at the top of my lungs. Because I'm awesome like that.
7) I'm the clumsiest/most accident-prone person you will ever meet. I have been pretty much since I could walk. I have a scar on my forehead from when I collided with the corner of a wall. When I was four. Because I was running without looking. Because I was sooooo excited about getting a new book to read.

7 Bloggers Who Have Great Style
2) Stephanie of Love&Lace
4) Dora of A Drop of Indigo
5) Lydia and Daisy of LUXE ROSE
6) Anushka of bombay bubble
7) Jessica of Sparks and Fireworks

17 March 2011

Style Post 3.17.11

Hello again, my wonderful readers! So as I mentioned in my last post, I really love St. Patrick's Day - as much, if not more than Valentine's Day. ::gasp:: Yes, really. If you need any proof, take a look at my St. Patrick's Day Style Post...I'm Irish for the day.
It may come as a surprise to some of you to know that my favorite color of all time is - not pink, not teal - but emerald green. I love how elegant and regal this color is.
I realized after I put on my cardigan this morning how much my outfit looks like Kristen Stewart's in New Moon. So of course, I just had to pair this outfit with black Converse. I'm not sure why, but her dress looks more fall/winter-ish than mine does.
I know you can't really see it too well, but I'm wearing green eyeshadow too. :)
Dress: Lapis
Cardigan: 14th & Union
Shoes: Converse

All That Your Heart Might Desire

Wow, has it really been 5 whole days since my last post? Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but to make it up to you all, here's a special St. Patrick's Day set for you to enjoy.

Fun Fact: I ♥ St. Patrick's Day. Not because I'm part Irish (not even close!), not because I love waiting in ridiculously long lines at bars (hate it!), but simply because I really, really, really love green. Clover green, emerald green, you name it. Not to mention that I'm an absolute sucker for green eyes. ;)

12 March 2011

Style Post 3.12.11

Today's Style Post is all about the color that I think truly epitomizes vintage elegance: dusty rose. This look also features two of my other loves: cameo necklaces and half up, half down hairstyles.
Note the nasty looking brown splotches on my left arm. That's where my PICC line used to be before I accidentally yanked it out. Now it's on my right arm, and I'm hoping I don't have an allergic reaction to the adhesive bandage there too. Anyway, that's why I'm carrying a book - to hide the ugly white sleeve that's covering the bandage.
The only complaint I have about this dress is that it does wrinkle quite easily. But I love the color and the empire waist so much that I don't really mind too much.
Hmm...So I wonder what I should classify this look as. Maybe Victorian meets Neoclassic?
I'm wearing soft makeup to match the muted pink of my dress. I've been thinking of starting some makeup tutorial posts, even though I wouldn't say I'm an expert on makeup.
I know I've said before that I don't like wearing blush because it makes me look sunburned, but I've changed my mind. Now I love how it makes my face glow even when I'm not wearing a lot of other makeup.
Here is a closeup of my cameo necklace. Love, love, love! Forever 21 seriously has the best jewelry. You can buy this lovely piece here.
This is the most comfortable pair of heels I own. I love how they're not too high and how the nude color goes with everything. These even come with regular shoelaces so I can change the look of the shoes. Personally, I prefer the ribbon laces.

Wow. This was quite a picture heavy post. I hope I don't come across as vain, but I loved how these photos turned out. That window in my parents' living room is the best place to take pictures. :)

dress: Forever 21
cameo necklace: Forever 21
nude heels: Jeffrey Campbell

P.S. Just in case anyone is wondering, the book I'm carrying is Henry James' Daisy Miller and Washington Square.

09 March 2011

Watch: "Modern Times"

And now for something truly vintage... 

It should come as no surprise that I'm a fan of silent films, especially those with Charlie Chaplin. One of my favorites is "Modern Times" (1936). Yes, I know this film is old - ancient, even - but I still think it's hilarious.

The best parts of this film:
1) Charlie Chaplin's facial expressions and body movements. It's amazing how much emotion an actor can convey without saying a single word.
2) The feeding machine scene - pure comedy gold. Watch it here.
3) Paulette Goddard (the Gamine) was absolutely gorgeous. What a classic beauty. :)

[Summary (from Wikipedia): Modern Times is a 1936 comedy film by Charlie Chaplin that has his iconic Little Tramp character struggling to survive in the modern, industrialized world. The film is a comment on the desperate employment and fiscal conditions many people faced during the Great Depression, conditions created, in Chaplin's view, by the efficiencies of modern industrialization.]
[all images from Google]

I think it's amazing how such an old film can still reflect our lives today. I wonder how many people often feel like they have nervous breakdowns because of our economy.

What I could relate to was the message about finding one's self in the modern world. I absolutely refuse to ever buy a Kindle or a Nook or any other kind of e-reader. So let's discuss: What aspects of "modern" life are you not such big fans of?

07 March 2011

Be Still, My Vintage Heart

This is my absolute favorite Polyvore inspiration board, by far. I was, of course, inspired by the signature colors of my blog...and my latest fashion muse, Blair Waldorf of "Gossip Girl."

Be Still, My Vintage Heart

::sigh:: I would love to live in this inspiration board. That pale teal dress is absolutely gorgeous, wouldn't you agree?

06 March 2011

Say Hello to My New Layout

I'll be the first to admit it: I am a perfectionist. That's why I spent way too much time changing things around on my blog until I was satisfied. Really though, all I did was change my background and the fonts on my header. Oh yeah, and I came up with a cute little slogan too: Love. Life. Style. 
- because I blog about love, life, and style
...as well as my love life and my lifestyle.

How clever and English majorly of me, right? Hehe.

05 March 2011

Things I Love: Polka Dots

I'm sure it's pretty obvious when you see my blog's background, but I'm going to say it anyway: I ♥ polka dots. Take a look at all of these lovely examples...

I can't help but smile when I look at this dress. It reminds me of Minnie Mouse. :)
Polka dots don't have to scream Minnie Mouse. This skirt could easily work as part of a preppy chic look. Think crisp button up blouses, headbands, and red tights.
I don't know why, but these shorts are instantly happy-making. I would wear these with a white tank top, teal cardigan, and espadrille wedges.
This is such a gorgeous dress! I would wear this with a floppy black hat and huge sunglasses...and then hang out at Starbucks and try to act mysterious.
This is the cutest romper I have ever seen! I could see myself wearing this to school, mixed with brightly colored tights, faux tortoise shell eyeglasses, and maybe a pencil in my hair.

For more polka dotted loveliness, click here!

01 March 2011

Style Post 3.1.11

This was what I wore yesterday to speak to the assistant principal at a local high school about observation opportunities. I also wore this outfit to class that night.
I'd say this is a more grown up version of the classic schoolgirl look. It feels very elite New York private school - a little more sophisticated than the plaid miniskirt and knee socks combo I used to wear all the time.
Check out my enormous bag. It totally goes with my preppy chic look, don't you think? I first spotted it while Christmas shopping a few months ago. I kept stalking that bag until it was on clearance...and I got the last one left in the store!
Yup, I wore Dr. Martens with this outfit to toughen it up a little bit. [I feel like all I've been showing on here lately have been super girly, slightly saccharine outfits.] But here's proof that I don't always wear pink. :)
It was really cold after my night class and another sweater or a coat would have looked weird with this outfit. So I threw on this amazing navy and red pocket scarf. I wish I had taken pictures with it on. This scarf pretty much MADE the outfit.

wig: Jasmin Barnes at My Wig Studio
mock two-piece sweater dress: Forever 21
ruffle bag: Charlotte Russe
lace up boots: Dr. Martens
pocket scarf: Nordstrom

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