29 July 2011

Visual FBFF - Where I Blog

Today's unique FBFF topic is hosted by Suze of Miss Vinyl Ahoy. It was her idea for us bloggers to share where we blog from. (Read: where we all spend way too much of  our time sitting in front of a computer screen. Haha.)

Anyway, I do all my blogging at my desk in my room. Lucas helped me put this desk together right before I moved into this house. Actually, he did all the putting together and I just helped by removing all the packaging the desk came with. By the way, note the nail polish and glitter next to my tiny speaker and my DIY flower lamp. I'm pretty proud of it. ♥

This has nothing to do with blogging, but here is the built-in shelf on top of my desk. I use it to display a poster full of high school photos and newspaper clippings, my tassel, old bass drum mallets, and my Angels baseball bobbleheads.

I guess the next step is showing my entire room...meaning I'll have to get it organized someday. Maybe one of these days I'll actually show it off. :)

28 July 2011

I'm Already Looking Forward to Fall

I know this might sound strange, but summer is my least favorite season. Why? Because it's hot - in varying degrees - everything from uncomfortably hot to unbearably hot. So needless to say, I am more than ready for fall (my favorite season!) to start. It's true; as a Southern Californian, I may not be able to enjoy watching the leaves change colors or even get to experience true fall weather until Thanksgiving. But there is one thing that I can get excited about now...FALL FASHION!

So here is my list of the things that I'm looking forward to wearing the most this fall:

1) Cardigans and Sweaters
 - Last year, I definitely considered black cardigans a fall fashion staple. And why not? Black cardigans are a classy alternative to hooded sweatshirts (not that there's anything wrong with hoodies; I have tons!) I always wear black cardigans with everything from skinny jeans to tulle skirts. This coming fall, I plan on dazzling up my cardigans with sparkly, colorful brooches and feather flower pins. I also plan on expanding my horizons by wearing pretty, non-black sweaters. I love the neutral-colored one in this picture, especially with the sparkly buttons. :)

[image source: we♥it]

2) Tights
 - Black tights are another fall fashion staple for me. I love how they can easily extend the life of my spring and summer dresses. (Lace dress + black tights + heels = PRETTY!) For more casual outfits, I can't wait to try the tights and shorts combo that so many bloggers pull off so well. As with cardigans, I'm also looking forward to moving beyond basic black. Think fun patterns and bright colors.

[image source: we♥it]

3) Plaid
- This will always be my #1 favorite pattern, even more than polka dots. Sure, there are the fun and summery plaids (reminiscent of picnic tablecloths), but what I really love are the deep, rich plaids of fall (think tartans and private school uniforms.) As much as I will always love the pleated skirt and knee socks look, now that I'm a semester away from graduating college, I think I should stick to skirts that are knee length and longer. I'm also starting to have an obsession with other plaid items - dresses, vests, and tunics.

[image source: {this is glamorous}]

4) Blazers
 - Nothing completes the collegiate preppy look quite like a well structured blazer. I've always wanted a brown tweed one with elbow patches, like the kind that college professors wear. I definitely don't have a problem with settling for a navy blue one, similar to what Blair wears in Season 1 of Gossip Girl. And yes, I love the headband and tie too!

[image source: Google]

5) Mary Jane Pumps - I haven't worn this style of shoe since I was in elementary school. Back when I was 6 years old, I always wore Mary Janes with ankle socks or tights (yes, even in the summer time!) I really love this grown up version and its patent leather trim. And isn't this color gorgeous? I bought this exact pair of shoes last week and it has yet to be delivered to my house. Here's hoping it arrives soon!

[image source: Nordstrom]

So let's discuss: Is anyone else eagerly anticipating fall as much as I am? What are you looking forward to wearing the most?

20 July 2011

Charmed, I'm Sure

Even before I got this beautiful charm bracelet last Christmas, I've been in love with Juicy Couture jewelry. I love how their charms are big, bold, and glamorous, but never tacky. I want to have a box full of charms some day to mix and match with my bracelet. These are some of my current favorite designs.

19 July 2011

Glitter is Always a Good Idea

I did my nails last night. At first, I thought of painting them a bright, summery color (coral, anyone?), but then I thought, "Why not try something sparkly?" I was totally inspired by Pugly Pixel's glitter tape tutorial and I figured it would be a great concept to apply to my nails. After all, glitter is always a good idea.

What I Used:

  • Gold Nail Polish (Revlon Metallic nail polish in Gold Coin, from Rite Aid)
  • Clear Nail Polish (Revlon Extra Life No Chip Top Coat, from Rite Aid)
  • Extra-Fine Glitter (Tulip Fashion Glitter from Michaels craft store)

  1. Cut/shape your nails as usual. I recommend cleaning them with nail polish remover, even if you don't have any old polish on. This helps the new color stay on better.
  2. Apply one coat of gold nail polish. Don't worry if it isn't perfect; it'll be covered!
  3. While the gold nail polish is still wet, cover the entire nail with lots of glitter. Be sure to hold your hand over a bowl or a plate to avoid making a huge mess!
  4. Flip your hand upside down and tap off any excess - again, make sure to keep your hand over the bowl or plate.
  5. Repeat with each finger on one hand. Allow to dry.
  6. Apply two coats of clear nail polish to seal the glitter. Allow to dry. Tip: Wipe off the nail polish applicator on a clean sheet of paper to remove any glitter that may stick to it. Otherwise, it'll end up in the bottle!
  7. Repeat on other hand.
  8. Admire your new sparkly nails!
I apologize for not taking any pictures of the process. It would have been pretty hard to take pictures and paint my nails at the same time. :)

15 July 2011

FBFF: Labeling Yourself

Katy of Modly Chic posted a very interesting set of questions that I think we can all relate to as bloggers: labeling ourselves and others.

1) As someone who writes/blogs about fashion, have you placed yourself into some sort of blogging category? Sometimes my posts are about the latest trends - that's when I'm in "fashion blogger" mode. I suppose you can call me a "personal style blogger" whenever I create Style Posts. Back when my blog's name was Pen&Ink, my tagline was "Love. Life. Style." I may just have to bring that tagline back somehow because I felt like it represented me more than any label could. For simplicity's sake though, I don't mind referring to myself as a personal style blogger.

2) What keeps you from or encourages you to label yourself as a certain kind of blogger? The simple answer is that it's just way too difficult to pinpoint my blog into just one specific niche. If I absolutely HAD to assign a fixed label for myself, I'd be a fashion/personal style/vintage-inspired/lifestyle/cancer survivor/inspiration/literature and film lover/miscellaneous blogger. Quite a mouthful, isn't it? Still, I'm sure those labels don't even begin to encompass me and all the potential that my blog can have. I plan on blogging for a long time. Someday I'll have a house and I'll have to add "design blogger" to my already long list of labels. And when I'm married and start having kids, I'll have to add "married life blogger" and "mommy blogger" to that list. Even then, those labels still wouldn't be able to define me 100%. I feel like I'm way too complex of a person to label as just one certain kind of blogger. And you know what? I'm proud of that.

3) When picking blogs to read and follow, are you drawn to ones that indicate a certain group or way of thinking or being? I like to read and follow blogs that inspire me, plain and simple.

4) Do you think there are benefits in labeling yourself or others? From what I've learned about blogging so far, I know that it can be a lot easier to market your blog if you have a definite label and highly focused content that never strays far from your label. I'm Gayle, which means that I have every intention of breaking this rule. :) As Katy mentioned in her post, labels only really work to divide. I know I hated being labeled a certain way in high school and I still dislike it today. As I've mentioned, people are too complex to label and divide into neat little categories. You can label 100 people as personal style bloggers and I'll guarantee you that they're all unique and have their own differences and quirks. That is, after all, what makes us people.

5) Agree or Disagree - We're all just people; we don't need all the labels. I absolutely, positively agree!

12 July 2011

Things I Love: List Pads

I'm a huge fan of making lists. There are very few things that are more satisfying than being able to check off relationship milestones, accomplishments, or simply groceries on a pad of paper. I have a few list pads with very pretty designs from the Target's bargain area, but I also really love these clean and simple designs:
Here's a pre-printed grocery list - perfect for eliminating those all too common "Oh crap, I forgot to get milk!" moments. I like how this one lets you add your own items too.
I literally laughed out loud when I saw this "Make a Decision" list pad. This would have been so helpful in high school back when I had so many so-called "life changing" decisions. :)
I really like the simplicity and tongue in cheek-ness of this list pad. This would work as a to-do list and a shopping list. Let's face it, how many times a day do you think about all the crap you have to get done?
And speaking of simplicity...At first glance, this probably seems like the perfect list pad for the underachiever. However, I do like how it could encourage you to simplify your life and focus on the really important tasks.

07 July 2011

Seafoam, Gold, & Ivory

This calming palette of seafoam, gold and ivory brings to mind images of sipping iced tea on the porch...in a beach house. I would love to see this color combination for a bedroom or even a summer wedding. ♥

06 July 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd;
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out.
At the old ball game.

Here's a picture of me, Faustina, and our friend Brett at an Angels game. More precisely, this was a picture from last Tuesday's game against the Washington Nationals. (I finally got around to posting it today!) We actually had a pretty big group with us that night, which included Lucas, two of his younger brothers, and two friends. We took pictures with our phones and sadly, this was the only one that came out blog-worthy.

By the way, don't you just LOVE that crazy fan wig that Brett made me wear? Hehe.

05 July 2011

Style Post 7.5.11

Yay, Style Posts are back! This is what I wore yesterday for my grandma's birthday/the 4th of July. Rather than choosing to wear the predictable color combination of red, white, and blue, I decided to be different and wear coral. Combined with my pearl necklace and matching bracelet and crisp white parasol, I thought I looked more suited for a seaside soiree than a backyard barbeque. (My family and I ended up treating my grandma to the Olive Garden for lunch.)

It was already past 5 o'clock when these photos were taken and it was still HOT - at least 85 degrees! Thankfully, the temperature cooled down significantly at night when it was time to watch fireworks. :)

Dress: Max Studio. Wedges: Steve Madden. Sunglasses: Charlotte Russe. Pearl Jewelry: Gift from Grandma.

01 July 2011

FBFF: The Outfit Formula

1) What’s your go-to outfit formula? It really depends on the season. For spring and summer, I like to keep it simple with a cotton sundress, sandals, sunglasses, and a light cardigan or jacket for when the sun goes down. Fall is still pretty warm around here up until around November, so I still like wearing dresses and skirts. When it finally starts getting cold again, I like to add colorful tights or knee high socks. Come wintertime, I'm all about dressing in layers and matching hats and scarves! I've also noticed that I love wearing different colors depending on the seasons. Think bright pink and yellow in the summer, rich brown and burgundy in the fall, jewel tones in the winter, and pastels in the spring. (I love black and white year round too.) And regardless of the season, no outfit formula would be complete without accessories - necklaces, bracelets, rings, headbands, or hair pins.

2) How did you come about this formula?
 Hmmm...I guess you could say that I stumbled upon this formula  without really thinking about it. These days, I love the simplicity and effortlessness of my pretty dress + cute shoes + cardigan formula.

3) Do you have different formulas for different occasions in your life?
I don't really have any set "formulas" for my wardrobe. In general though, I tend to gravitate toward lace and light colors for daytime dressy occasions, v-neck tops and skinny jeans or a figure-flattering little black dress for a night out with friends, or a nice top and a knee length skirt for family parties.

4) Has it morphed over the years?
Oh yeah, definitely! I was a jeans-and-tank-top type of girl all throughout high school, all the way up until last year-ish. For evidence, check out this post. Dressy outfits were reserved for holidays and other special occasions. It's funny because now, I usually only wear jeans for when I'm working with my volunteer group. Over the years, I've learned that it's possible to wear dressy clothes while still being comfortable.

5) Which other blogger’s outfit formula would you like to swipe?
I don't believe in "swiping" other blogger's style or outfit formulas, but I do believe in being inspired by other bloggers. Lately, I've been finding inspiration from Maria of First Impressions. She always manages to put together so many lovely vintage-inspired outfits...with a twist. Think floral crowns and denim, cat eye glasses and straw hats, high-neck blouses and shorts. I LOVE her style. :)
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