30 December 2010

A Different Kind of Inspiration

I'll be honest with you.

When I first decided that I wanted to start a blog, I wanted it to be all about the pretty things in life: my fashion sense, trend spotting, makeup tips, how my friends and I glam up for parties and the clubbing scene - normal things that any carefree young woman in her early twenties would want to share. I never thought I'd ever have to deal with something as ugly as cancer...at least not during what I considered the prime of my life.

This was my thought process when I had that first appointment with my oncologist, back in mid-November:
Dr. Aziz: "Based on all these test results...Stage 2...very treatable form of cancer...After six to eight rounds of chemotherapy...back to normal..."
Me: (thinking) "What the f*ck?! I'm 21 years old! The worst thing I should be getting sick with is the flu or something! Why me?!" 
(speaking) "...Oh...okay..."
Don't get me wrong. I don't think I'm vain or shallow at all, but I will admit that the very first thing I thought of (that is, as soon as my doctor assured me that I wasn't dying) was how chemotherapy would affect my appearance. I haven't even started my second cycle yet, but my face is already swollen from fluid retention, my skin has already taken on a grayish tone, the base of my nails are starting to turn blue, and not to mention that my PICC line ruins just about every cute outfit I wear. But those weren't even the worst.

My hair started falling out on Christmas Eve. "Great," I thought.  "Merry Christmas to me." Again, I fear that I'm sounding more and more vain and shallow as I write this, but I always thought my hair was one of my best physical features. I had long, beautiful black hair all throughout high school and my first two years of college. During summer 2009, I took the plunge and chopped most of it off - into the most amazing pixie cut ever, à la Alice Cullen. That is the hairstyle I've had ever since. These days, I still have a lot of hair, but it's so thin and weak that I can barely comb it without having clumps fall out. So flat ironing it in the adorable pixie style is pretty much out of the question. So what will I do once I lose so much hair that I have to shave it all off? Wear a wig? A beanie? A turban? A scarf? I haven't decided yet.

As women, I know we're all pretty attached to our hair. We spend hours in front of the mirror, obsessing over every strand that's out of place, arranging and rearranging until everything looks perfect. Who knows? Maybe once I shave my head, I'll feel liberated from not having to worry about all that anymore.

But regardless of how much I complain about how drastically cancer is changing my appearance, I know that real beauty is not something that can be achieved with hair and makeup alone. I was inspired by Bekah of true beauty, never hurries, a wonderful blog that chronicles the ups and downs of living with Hodgkins Lymphoma. The title of her blog really says it all: the true beauty of an individual - both inside and out - takes time to shine. So that is what I'm going to do. I'm going to wait to get better, wait for my face and hair to get back to normal, and still enjoy every day. Despite being sick, this STILL is the prime of my life. And I think I'm still beautiful. There. I said it. And it feels amazing.

So...is it possible to maintain a fashion and beauty blog while fighting cancer?

Why the heck not?

28 December 2010

'Cause baby, you're a firework...

I created this inspiration board based on my current life anthem - Katy Perry's "Firework". 

I can see as the perfect color palette for a New Year's Eve party, or maybe someone's 21st birthday, or even a bachelorette party...anything that needs some *sparkle*
eyeshadows (featured shades: Nylon, Expensive Pink, Embark) 

So what do I love most about this song and its video? The lyrics are uplifting and inspiring and the music itself is so upbeat and instantly happy-making. As for the video, I love how the muted colors and lighting let the brightness of the fireworks (literally) shine. And Katy Perry's wardrobe/hair/makeup? ::swoon::

Dear Katy Perry,
          You are my girl crush.

27 December 2010

One More!

Okay, here's one more holiday picture that I just HAD to post because it's so darn cute.

Gayle and Lucas' 1st Christmas 2010

After Christmas Party 2010

Time to post pictures from last night's After Christmas Party! While I didn't end up using the Peppermint theme I posted last week, I think it's safe to say that the party was a success. We had sparkling cider, champagne, and plenty of appetizers to go around. (My favorite was Melissa B's marinated sausages. They smelled just like barbecue baked beans. Yum!) 


TRUE STORY: Every year since I was about 14 or 15, I've been doing ALL of the Christmas decorating myself. And when I say all, I really mean EVERYTHING. "Because you do it so much better!" my mom says. Thankfully my boyfriend Lucas helped me this year.

Does this look familiar? It's the rarely used couch that we took pictures on last year.

I decided to be creative/different this year and wrap all of my presents in black and white. Lucas poked fun at my wrapping because "those aren't Christmas colors!"

But the glittery silver stars sure are festive, aren't they? I think this will be my signature Christmas wrapping from now on...whether it's traditional or not. :)


[me and Lucas] 

Does he look good in a black shirt or what? I don't know why, but those shoes totally make the outfit...

And I don't think my outfit was too bad either. I gave up on trying to find a perfect red dress. (Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a reasonably priced red dress just days before Christmas?)

[Kathy and Abe] 

This might be just about the cutest picture I have ever seen.

[Ruth and Vasily]

This one is pretty high up on the cuteness scale too.

[The Group]

Abe, Melissa, Ruth, Vasily, me, Lucas, Saneeya, Kathy, Yvonne, Faustina, & Maggie

Sometimes I feel like I should be 30 instead of 21 going on 22, just because I would rather throw a cocktail or dinner party than have people over for beer pong and shots...or whatever it is that most college kids do. :) I consider last night to be practice for when I am 30.

Regardless though, I'm glad I got to spend this evening with my closest friends (the ones who could be there at least).

...and that's something anyone can appreciate,
whether they're 15, 21, 30, or 80.

21 December 2010

Red Dress Love

I didn't get a chance to go get a haircut or go shopping for my red dress today. :( Just like last time, I was way too tired/nauseated after my chemo session to do anything other than lie down...and try not to complain too much.

But I've done a little online shopping and I've decided that I love this dress...

The silhouette, the color, and the folding - stunning! And for $19.80, it's college student-budget friendly.

20 December 2010

The One to Beat

Here's a picture that was taken during last year's After Christmas Party. I have a (slightly) larger guest list this year with more than one guy. :)

Me with some of my best friends: Melissa, Saneeya, Mike, Faustina, and Yvonne

Plans for tomorrow: second chemotherapy session, haircut, and the continued search for the perfect candy cane red dress.

19 December 2010

Peppermint Party

Aside from my (HUGE) family's annual Christmas party this coming Saturday, I am definitely looking forward to my 2nd annual After Christmas Party on the 26th. Just like last year, I plan on inviting my closest friends over for food, drinks, and good company. This year, however, I decided to do something a little different. Instead of a casual get-together like last year, why not throw a fancy cocktail party? I don't know about you, but I love any excuse to get dressed up. :)

So here's the look I'm going for: flirty, festive, peppermint-y fabulousness! Now I have one week to find a perfect red dress...

18 December 2010

Life is Written in Ink

You are the author of your own story. You know what drives you, what moves you forward. And you know what you want...most of the time. But sometimes you'll get stuck. You know you can only go forward, but you can't. Something is holding you back. So you ask for help. Sometimes you take your friends' good advice. Sometimes you'll even take some bad advice. Sometimes you won't listen at all. [Let's be honest with ourselves - MOST of the time we don't listen.] But it's okay. You know in the end, it's your choice. You are the main character and the author. You must be the one to decide how you'll move yourself forward. And guess what? You will make mistakes. You will have regrets. Embrace them. Don't try to erase them. Your life is written in ink. You can cross something out, white it out, replace it with something better, but you know it will always be there.

But you know what?

So will you.
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